We found 293 posts for racism

Sarah Haycox

Sarah Haycox – The Power of A 4th Grader to Change the World

Fourth-grader, Sarah Haycox, from Shoreline, Washington, USA made it her mission to right a wrong.  And in doing so, she has shown the rest of the world what one young person, with passion, can do. One day, Sarah was walking by an athletic field near her school.  She noticed a small memorial with the name…

jann mardenborough from gamer to 1

A 2nd Honeymoon – 5th Graders Right a 60 Year Old Civil Wrong!

Fifth graders at Bear Tavern Elementary school in Hopewell Township, New Jersey learned about a true story that didn’t end right. So they decided to try to change the ending! About 60 years ago, Reverend Gilbert Caldwell had just married his sweetheart, Grace. They set out on their honeymoon from North Carolina on a big…

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges – The 6-year-old Girl Who Changed American History

You may have never heard of Ruby Bridges. But if you are a student in a public school, there is a good chance that she has impacted your life and the lives of your classmates. She did so by her brave actions 55 years ago. In 1960, at age 6, Ruby’s parents volunteered her to participate…

nelson mandela his perseverance and passion changed the world

Nelson Mandela – His Perseverance and Passion Changed The World

Nelson Mandela is an African civil rights leader from South Africa who changed the world for the better. His lifelong goal, similar to Martin Luther King, Jr., was to achieve equal rights for non-white people in his country. He was so dedicated to this cause, that he spent a large portion of his life in…

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