Khloe Kares

Khloe Kares – 9 Year Old Khloe Thompson 'Kares' for the Homeless

During her walk to school each day in Irvine, California, 9 year old Khloe Thompson passes by many homeless women. But instead of just avoiding them, Khloe did something different.  She asked her mom what she could do to help them?

This is when Khloe Kares was born! With her grandma’s help, Khloe makes ‘Kare Bags’ to give to homeless women.  Each bag is filled with basics items like tooth paste, wipes, soap and lotion. And each bag is hand-sewn with love by Khloe and her grandma.

So far, they’ve made and given out over 200 bags! And the women love them.

Khloe is a great example of a young person taking action about something they see that is wrong.  She is making a difference for her community and, by doing so, making the world a better place.

Check out this video about Khloe’s inspiring story and then see how you can help the homeless below.

Additional Resources:

Topics for Discussion:

  • What sparked Khloe to take action and do something to help the homeless?
  • What character traits does Khloe exhibit?
  • What is something you see wrong with the world around you? How can you help fix it?  What is one small thing you can do? How about a big thing?

Take Action:

  • Visit Khloe Kares to see how to help Khloe with her cause
  • Here is a list of many other ways that you can help the homeless

Teacher Features:

  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.
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