never too old to learn something 1

Never Too Old to Learn Something New!

Kenyan Kimani Maruge was 84 years old when he heard an announcement from the Kenyan government. The announcement said that the government would start to provide primary education for free. And Kimani, who had never gone to school, decided that he wanted an education! He went to the primary school in his village and, after some difficulty getting enrolled, began his education as the oldest first grader ever! This video shows a trailer for The First Grader, a movie based on Kimani’s incredible story.

Additional Resources:

  • Here is an article that tells Kimani’s story.
  • Here is another video that tells more about Kimani and his quest for education.

Topics for Discussion:

  • What qualities did Kimani show in insisting that he deserved an education too?
  • Do you think it was hard for Kimani to keep going to school at his age? What do you think kept him going?

Take Action:

  • Visit the Kenya Keep website to learn about how you can help the efforts to provide education to Kenyan kids.
  • Visit the Send My Friend to School website to find out how you can help efforts to provide education to kids all over the world!

Teacher Features:

  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for elementary school students.
  • Here is a link to a Critical Reading Skills worksheet that you can use for middle school students.


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